South Arlington Fitness & Nutrition is now BRAZEN Fitness!

If you read our emails or see our blog posts, you probably already know that we are changing our gym name. It’s been a long time that we’ve been thinking about it and, if you haven’t had a chance to read about why we’re making a name change, we invite you to read all about it here.

But today, we’re super excited to announce that we’re changing our gym name to BRAZEN Fitness.


Brazen is a word that means “to be bold, and without shame”. It is a word that resonates with us on many levels. As athletes, you come into the gym every day and you do amazing things. You lift heavy weights, you perform skill movements that you wouldn’t do anywhere else, you push yourself further than you feel comfortable. You could be somewhere else choosing “safe” fitness options, low intensity repetitive workouts that you’ve been told are more “appropriate” for you. But you’re bold enough to say no. You want better fitness.

Brazen is also a word that fits us as a staff and as a training center. We don’t do what everyone else does, just because we’re labeled as “CrossFit”. We don’t stick with things that don’t work. We don’t jump on training fads or fitness challenges that offer quick gains. We play the long game, and sometimes we are stubborn enough to do the boring things because we know they work. We don’t stop finding ways to get better at coaching, at running a business, at building a gym. 

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So, fellow members of the BRAZEN community. What happens now?

Well, first we are not changing anything fundamental about what we do. Our programming, our training methods, our offerings, are not changing. This is just a new face on a familiar place. So what you’ll see first is us updating our space, our signage, our website, and our social media. This won’t happen overnight, but it will happen in the next few weeks.

Second, we will have a community event to launch the new brand. A competition! Teams of 2, accessible to all, with fun workouts and prizes. Then a hangout afterwards.

Third, we will have new apparel. Some new swag to look like the Brazen Nation you are! Details coming soon on all of the above.

Keep a look out in your email inbox and other channels (SugarWOD, social media, etc). 

There’s probably smaller details that we’re missing. So please, if you have questions, just reply back to this email or email us at or so we can connect. And yes, all the emails are still active and you can email us there as well.

We are stoked about this new chapter in our journey, and pumped to be doing it with you. As always, we sincerely appreciate your continued support and love.

And welcome to the BRAZEN NATION.

Meredyth, Mehdi & Brazen Fitness crew

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4 Exercises For Better Pull Ups


We are changing our gym name!