Arlington’s #1 Group Fitness Classes

Grab your Free Trial Class to experience the most complete fitness program around!

Strength, cardio, and bodyweight exercises — all mixed in one program

Expert coaching to teach you new skills while keeping you safe

Beginner & advanced versions of every workout

Free access to our nutrition app in all group class plans

True small group classes (8-12 people) means space to move and learn effectively

Our OnRamp program is available for those who have never done CrossFit

And more!

What is CrossFit?

You might have heard about it. Maybe you think it’s some intense crazy fitness trend that only super humans do. Maybe you just think you have to be very fit to give it a try. Or maybe you think it’s going to get you hurt.

We’re here to tell you that none of those things are true.

CrossFit is for everyone.

Many people are intimidated by CrossFit.

We hear it all the time from people we talk to. The comment usually goes: “I need to be fit to do CrossFit”.

The sentiment is often triggered by seeing pictures and videos of jacked CrossFit athletes online. It creates the impression that everyone in a CrossFit gym looks like that.

The reality is that those images are of the 1% top competitive CrossFit athletes in the world.

The other 99%? Moms, dads, young working professionals, retirees, office workers, kids, people with disabilities, and a BUNCH of people who haven’t done any training whatsoever in months and are just not satisfied with their health.

So, do you need a PhD to go to college? No. And you don’t need to be fit to do CrossFit.

What makes CrossFit classes at Brazen Fitness different?

At Brazen Fitness, we’ve taken CrossFit and added our own spin on it.

Our goal is to make it even more accessible, safe, and effective than anywhere else.

We want you to be able to join a class today, regardless of your fitness level, and continue to make progress for years.

To do that, we’ve added fitness elements from other disciplines: classic strength & conditioning, prehab work, and even bodybuilding.

We offer a beginner and advanced version of every workout so that anyone can get a great training session.

The workouts are fun, dynamic, and progressively challenging. It’s unlike any training you’ve done anywhere else.

  • Strength and lean muscle are the indisputable foundation to your success. We start classes with a strength component 3-4x/week.

  • How does it feel to be packed into a class of 30-40 people like sardines? You won’t feel that way at Brazen. Our classes typically have no more than 10-15 members to ensure our coaches get to spend some 1-on-1 time coaching you.

  • Whether you’re 16 or 76, you can thrive in our gym. Our classes are designed to be scalable to any level of fitness. Our coaches will work with you to modify, substitute and scale as need.

  • We are not here to “wreck” you every time you come in. We are here to make sure you get in the best shape of your life. For that, we have structure and safety built into our workouts so you keep making progress for a long, long time.