Drop-in for a workout.
We're happy to have visitors!
We do require that all drop-ins have at least 3 months of experience at another CrossFit affiliate or equivalent functional fitness facility (specifically one that employs barbell training).
If that applies to you, please feel free to purchase a class below!
Once you complete your purchase, you will be directed to reserve your class.
We will also need a couple of things from you after you book your class:
1. Email Us
Let us know which class you signed up for so we can let the coach know you're coming.
2. Sign our digital waiver
Your coach won't be able to sign you into class unless you do. You should be receiving an email to sign it within minutes of completing your purchase.
If you have any questions, email us at info@brazenfitness.com and we'd be happy to help. Looking forward to your email and seeing you at the gym!