What Is CrossFit OnRamp?

A Foundational Program for Every Athlete

By Coach Elise Perez

Every CrossFit gym is different and unique in its own way, and Brazen Fitness is no exception! From our signature bright green and black colors, to our class programming, to our amazing community- We have our own vibe and everything we do is with the intention and purpose of improving the health and lives of our athletes. 

Every new athlete that joins our gym completes a two-week introductory period, where they get three one-on-one sessions with a coach and unlimited access to group class, before getting on a regular class subscription. This is where the journey truly begins! Most CrossFit gyms have their own OnRamp process; here’s a look into ours and the value it provides to every athlete. 

What is OnRamp?

OnRamp is a mini course that teaches the foundational movements of CrossFit, along with other movements that are frequently performed in our group class workouts. OnRamp also teaches the language of CrossFit (we like our acronyms), provides a sense of how each class flows and gives each athlete the chance to perform their very first benchmark workout! 

Learn How To Move. Lower Your Risk of Injury

One of the best parts of the OnRamp process is the one-on-one coaching each athlete receives during their sessions. Under the guiding eyes of a qualified coach, you learn the technique of the movements and get comfortable and confident with each one. 

The more educated you are about how your body moves and how to perform the movements correctly, the lower your risk of injury will be. We never want anyone to feel thrown into group class and OnRamp is an introductory program that teaches you how to move smartly and safely. 

Introducing You To Your New Gym Home

OnRamp is our opportunity to welcome each new athlete to their new training home. It’s a huge priority for us that everyone feels welcome at our gym and that Brazen is a safe space for you to accomplish your fitness goals. 

Any new environment can be intimidating, especially fitness spaces, and we get that! With OnRamp, you learn your way around the gym, where to get certain equipment and you get an overall sense of the gym and what our community is like. One of our goals with OnRamp is to communicate to new athletes: You belong here. 

Know Your Scaling Options (Modifications) 

This may be the most important part of OnRamp. We have athletes of all backgrounds, fitness levels and individual health journeys coming into our gym. Therefore each athlete may need to perform certain progressions of a movement or perform a movement differently than the next athlete would. And this is how it should be! We believe every workout should be accessible; no matter who you are or what you’re dealing with, you can do these workouts and hit the stimulus we’ve prescribed for you.

During OnRamp we’ll show you how to perform variations of movements and find the best one for you. We will also show you exactly how to progress these movements over time; you’ll have a direct road map of how to get that first strict pull up, rep out more than 10 push ups, press weight overhead without pain, you name it! 

The Wrap Up on OnRamp

Each athlete has already taken a huge step by becoming a part of our gym and OnRamp is another important step on the long list of what you’ll achieve at Brazen. In fact, we’ve found that those who start with the OnRamp process are more consistent, stay with us longer, and see better progress with their health and fitness goals.

Ready to get started? Book a No Sweat Intro so we can learn more about you and set you up with the OnRamp program. The best time to start is now!


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